Yousef al-Otaiba tells Israeli TV weapons sale to United Arab Emirates came after Abraham Accords, not during negotiations; says Biden well-placed for talks with Iran

Ambassador to US Yousef al-Otaiba says 'genuine energy' in Emirati street in favor of agreement with Israel; states threat of annexation is what sparked talks for alternative path

Israel's inroads in the Arab world are based on strategic necessity. The Palestinians can't stop the new peacemaking, but they can set a high price for it

Ambassador to US al-Otaiba confident West Bank sovereignty off table for 'significant period of time,' Israelis will see normalization deal's benefits

Recalling his first discreet contact with an Emirati official, Jeremy Issacharoff relishes in finally being able to ‘take the mask off’ bilateral relationship

In new op-ed for Israeli paper, ambassador to US says agreement will provide Abu Dhabi with 'stronger' tools to 'forcefully' promote rights of the Palestinian people

Mossad chief to reportedly lead team in open visit to Gulf state after nations announce formalized ties; Abu Dhabi's FM 'encouraged' by world's positive response to accord

As Jerusalem and DC hail historic agreement on normalization, leaders of the Gulf nation portray that aspect as secondary to keeping two-state option alive

Annexation will undermine all progress in Arab-Israeli ties, Yousef Al-Otaiba warned in Yedioth. But if Netanyahu calls it off? Then the sky is the limit, Palestinians be damned

Abu Dhabi also says Israeli move would end all efforts at public rapprochement with Jewish state, including talk of non-aggression pact, according to TV report
