Outgoing Defense Minister Benny Gantz was verbally attacked by a right-wing activist as he left the hadlakah ceremony for the third Chanukah licht at the Kosel on Tuesday evening. Gantz had lit the candles together with a frum minister in his party, Chili Tropper, As he left the ceremony, accompanied by Migdal HeEmek Rav, HaRav Yitzchak Dovid Grossman, a right-wing activist screamed loudly at him: “Gantz, you should be ashamed that you said that there’s room in Yerushalayim for two capitals! Go away from here! Go home, Gantz!” The attack was condemned by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation as well as by UTJ chairman Yitzchak Goldknopf, who stated: “I condemn the vicious attack against Minister Benny Gantz at the Kosel.

The Rav of the Old City, HaGaon HaRav Avigdor Nebenzahl, was in a car at the Ramot Intersection in Jerusalem at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning when suddenly the driver collided with a car coming from the opposite lane. Rab Nebenzahl’s car was hit with great force, causing some of the airbags to deploy, but the Rav continued learning as if nothing had happened. The driver got out of the car to exchange details, but HaRav Nebenzahl, who b’chasdei Hashem was uninjured, remained in the car and continued to learn. Hatzalah volunteers who rushed to the scene were amazed to see HaRav Nebenzahl sitting in the car with an open Gemara as if nothing had happened, despite the serious damage to the car.

A group of Chareidi elementary school girls who went on a school trip to a park in Ramat Gan earlier this week was subjected to a vicious spew of vitriol by a secular woman. “You’re like termites,” the woman said. “Don’t come here. We pay NIS 4 million shekels for an apartment here, you don’t belong, you don’t belong. You have your city. This is our place, don’t come here.” As can be heard in the video, which was published by B’Chadrei Chareidim, the teacher responded calmly to her attack, which only seemed to anger her further and she escalated her rhetoric: “You’re animals. You don’t do anything besides having children – piles of children! Disgusting! Disgusting!” The woman had apparently become enraged after claiming that the girls broke a swing.

One of Israel’s most outspoken and famous anti-tziyoni activists, Yoilish Krauss, put together his own angle on the song “Yevonim,” singing it along with his family after lighting the Chanukah neiros in his Meah Shearim home. The Krauss’s often take part in the hafganos emblematic of their community and are unapologetic in their defense of Torah and virulent hatred of the Zionist government. The lyrics to the song are: אוי ציונים נקבצו עליי אזיי בימי סאטמר, ופרצו חומות החינוך וטימאו כל התלמודי תורה, ומנותר הקנאים נעשה נס לשושנים, ימי שבת ימי יום טוב קבעו מחאות והפגנות (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

A short and direct to the point video about fire safety has been released by Flatbush Hatzolah to educate the community on the dangers of fire and to encourage fire safety in your homes. This short video should be shown to your children as well, no matter if you live in Flatbush or not. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
The post WATCH & SHOW YOUR CHILDREN: Chanukah Safety Video From Flatbush Hatzolah appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday issued a Chanukah greeting to Ukrainian Jews and Jews around the world. “I bless the Jewish community in Ukraine and all the Jews in the world with a happy Chanukah,” Zelensky said. “A few were victorious over many, the light won over the darkness – so it will be this time.” “Chag Chanukah Sameach,” he said in Hebrew. “Glory to Ukraine!” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Is one of Donald Trump’s most powerful allies in conservative media moving away from him? That’s a question many are asking after Fox News host Tucker Carlson was asked straight up who he’d support in 2024 – and he refused to give a straight answer. “Who do you plan to support: Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis?” a young man named Joshua asked Carlson at America Fest 2022 in Phoenix. “Who cares what I think?” Carlson said. “You know what I mean? I’m not endorsing anybody. I have no idea what’s gonna happen in the Republican primary.” “I spend a lot of time in Florida,” Carlson said. “And I think Ron DeSantis has done, like, an unbelievable job.” “I’m so grateful Donald Trump ran in 2016. Donald Trump completely changed my view of everything. Donald Trump is why I left Washington.

As-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) aired an interview last week with Rajaa Al-Halabi, head of the Hamas Women’s movement, in which she boasted that the highest goal of Hamas women is to martyr themselves, even if it means leaving their children behind. In a video of the interview translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Al-Halabi can be seen saying: “Let me begin by saying that the word ‘martyrdom-seeker’ means that when a girl sets out, she has only one thing on her mind – to meet her Lord by means of her blood and body parts.” “If any of the women of Hamas had the opportunity to be martyrdom-seekers – not a single one of them would back down.

Torah communities in Eretz Yisrael and around the world on Sunday are marking the fifth yahrtzeit of HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehudah Leib Shteinman, z’tl, who passed away on Erev Chanukah in 2017 at the age of 103. People began streaming to his kever in Bnei Brak on Motzei Shabbos, with thousands more expected to visit throughout the day. In honor of the yahrtzeit, Chareidi journalist Yitzchak Carmeli published a video examining the mystery of the half-built wall outside HaRav Shteinman’s home, which can still be seen there today. In order to solve the mystery, Carmeli turned to HaRav Aryeh Leib’s son, HaGaon HaRav Shraga Shteinman, asking him the question via HaRav Aryeh Leib’s great-grandson, HaRav Yehonasan Honigsberg.

Donald Trump addressed Torah U’Mesorah’s Presidents Conference on Friday morning at his Doral Club in Miami, Florida. The former president began his speech thanking Torah U’Mesorah’s leadership, including Harav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlit”a, and went on to discuss the upcoming yom tov of Chanukah. “As you know, Jewish families across the nation will celebrate Hannukah. The miracle of Hannukah reminds us of the incredible strength, courage, and resilience of the Jewish people. And that’s exactly what you have – tremendous strength and resilience,” Trump said. “Jewish Americans lift up American communities and this great organization that we’re involved with today, and have been involved with for years.
