Border Patrol on Wednesday released a shocking video of smugglers abandoning a 5-year-old girl and a 3-year-old girl at the border in the New Mexico desert in the middle of the night — after dropping them from over a 14-foot border barrier. The video, released by El Paso Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez, shows what she said was two smugglers scaling the fence and dropping each child onto the ground and harsh surface, before tossing what appears to be some belongings down. The two smugglers then are seen fleeing from the southern side of the fence. Chavez said the little girls were left “miles from the nearest residence.” They were picked up by agents after they were spotted via surveillance technology. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Thousands of Jews participated in Birchas Kohanim on Monday morning, the first day of Chol Hamoed in Israel, marking the first time the tefillah took place b’hamon am in a year and a half. Israel’s successful vaccine campaign has dramatically reduced the infection rate and the number of seriously ill virus patients in recent weeks, allowing the government to loosen restrictions on gathering. However, some health regulations are still in place and due to this, Birchas Kohanim is taking place twice this year, on Monday and Tuesday, with the mispallelim divided into capsules by plastic partitions.

The Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem is reviewing its feeding protocols following a rare incident in which children observed a lion eating a rabbit, JTA reported. “The Biblical Zoo turned into National Geographic in the middle of the day,” a Channel 13 News journalist wrote on Twitter. “The children who came to the Biblical Zoo today were astounded to see how a lion devours rabbits in the middle of the day. Their parents were horrified.” גן החיות התנ"כי התחפש לנשיונל ג'יאוגרפיק באמצע היום. הילדים שהגיעו היום לגן החיות נדהמו לצפות איך אריה טורף ארנבות באמצע היום…..

President Biden on Thursday will face reporters in a press briefing for the first time as president after weeks of media outlets clamoring to get a chance to grill him in the White House briefing room. The press conference will come on the 65th day of his administration, following the passage of a massive $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill, an impeachment trial for former President Donald Trump and the confirmation of several of the president’s Cabinet secretaries. It also comes amid a contentious situation at the southern border, an effort in the Senate to pass a major election reform bill and tensions between the Biden administration and progressive senators. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Chevra Hatzolah has launched a campaign to encourage the community at large to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Hatzolah has placed ads in Jewish print publications as well as online and social media, promoting the vaccine. The Medical Director of Chevra Hatzolah, Dr Shimshy Zimmerman, has now released a short, informative video encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. Watch the video below:   (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman continued to incite the public against the Chareidi community on Election Day on Tuesday, warning secular Israelis to go vote because “the Chareidim are streaming to the polls.” Lieberman published a video of himself speaking from Tel Aviv, saying: “The Chareidim are streaming to the polls. Now it’s the turn of the secular people to vote.” “I hope that everyone sitting here already voted or are on the way to vote.

Rockland County Legislator Aron B. Wieder was among a delegation of community leaders that visited Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan Thursday to offer thanks to the entire staff for their efforts throughout the pandemic. “One of the questions I had as a child was, ‘Why do doctors wear white coats,’” Legislator Wieder said. “Even as children, we all know that angels are fully dressed in white, from their halo to the tip of their wings. If there is anything the world has learned from COVID-19, it is that doctors, nurses, medical personnel, security guards, even the receptionist taking the distraught phone call, all are angels.

A massive early-morning fire ripped through an assisted living facility in Spring Valley. The fire started at around 1:30AM at the “Evergreen Court For Adults” located at 65 Lafayette Street. Hatzolah and EMS dispached around 20 ambulances and treated many victims. Dozens of trapped residents were rescued by firefighters. Rockland Chaveirim was on the scene assisting as well. Dramatic video footage captured the moment part of the building collapsed. CPR was being performed by Hatzolah on one victim. Local Yeshiva school busses as well as the Rockland Chaveirim Command Center were being used to keep elderly residents warm and to transport them to other locations. One firefighter called a “mayday” but was found and treated for injuries. The cause of the fire was unknown.

An active shooter was holed up inside of a supermarket in Colorado for over half an hour early Monday evening. Eyewitnesses on the scene filmed the apparent mass shooting over the course of the attack from the beginning. “Active Shooter at the King Soopers on Table Mesa,” the Boulder Police Department tweeted just before 5 p.m. EST (3 p.m. local time.) “AVOID THE AREA. PIO is en-route.” Initial reports based on police scanner chatter, which are currently unconfirmed, place the number of people dead at six and likely higher. Right around 5:30 p.m. EST, one person was taken out of the building in handcuffs. The man was shirtless, in his underwear, and his right leg was bleeding. It’s unclear if he was the suspect in the shooting or was just being detained.

Former President Trump ripped President Joe Biden and his administration over the migrant surge at the U.S. border during an exclusive interview on “The Faulkner Focus” on Monday, arguing that the Biden administration is “destroying our country.” He also said that Democrats are bringing violence from other countries. The former president said he is speaking out about the situation at the border because he wants “to do what’s right.” Trump said he “never thought Biden would be worse” than self-proclaimed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., adding that the current president is “Bernie Sanders on steroids.” He noted that there is no transparency from the current administration regarding the situation at the border. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
