The following statement was given to YWN by Hatzalah of South Florida: חֽ ְסֵ֤די יְהוָה כּי לא ת ְמנוּ כּי לא־כ֖לוּ רחָמֽיו We are pleased to announce the passage of HB805 in the Florida House of Representatives earlier today. This brings us one more giant step forward towards being able to serve our communities as a full fledged EMS provider. הוא ברוך הקדוש, In His Infinite Kindness, has shown us open miracles during this entire process – too many to count. We take this opportunity to publicly thank His messengers in the Legislature, the bill sponsors and the representatives who stood for what they know to be just and right against tremendous opposition and pressure to vote in favor of this bill. We are proud to call each one of them our friends.
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