Two and a half-year-old Mendy is bright and cute. He’s a happy little boy who enjoys looking at books, likes to learn and loves company! Mendy’s friends are all starting preschool now, but Mendy cannot go to a regular preschool… Mendy has a physical disability. Mendy cannot walk by himself or stand on his own for even a minute. Mendy needs an intense, professional program in order to succeed. But Mendy still wants to learn. Mendy wants to spend his days in the company of other Yiddish speaking children with whom he can relate. There’s only one option for Mendy—Eis Laasois! At Eis Laasois he will learn despite his disability! There have been other Yiddish speaking specialty preschools in the past, but none have survived.

Just after 9:00 p.m. a barrage of rockets were fired from Gaza at southern Israel in the area of Ashkelon. The rocket fire came at the end of a very tense day in which more than 40 fires erupted in the Gaza periphery due to a deluge of balloon bombs being launched from the Strip. In response, Israel was set to close the fishing area in the Mediterranean Sea for Gaza fishermen. Hamas threatened more violence should this come to pass. It is likely that the rockets were launched at the beginning of Yom Yerushalayim, an already tense day, due to annual violence that erupts on this day as Hamas and other militant groups try to avenge the reunification of Jerusalem during the Six-Day-war in 1967.

Anti-Iranian regime activist Masih Alinejad posted a video of Iranians burning an Israeli flag in honor of Quds Day (Jerusalem Day) on Friday, the last Friday of Ramadan. Ironically, the fire engulfed the person holding the flag and he fled the scene in terror. Quds Day was established in Iran in 1979 in support of the Palestinians and in opposition to Yom Yerushalayim in Israel, when the Jewish state marks the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City after the Six-Day War in 1967. Israeli security forces are bracing for a renewed outbreak of Arab violence on Yom Yerushalayim, which is on Sunday night and Monday this year, May 9th and 10th. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

A large number of Israel Police forces operated throughout the night on Motzei Shabbos as Arab rioters on Har Habayis attacked officers with rocks, chairs, and fireworks. Police officers used riot dispersal methods on the Arabs, including rubber bullets, tear gas, and shock grenades. The sounds of the explosions could be heard by mispallelim at the Kosel. Close to midnight, a particularly loud explosion was heard at the Kosel plaza, frightening the mispallelim, who thinking they were under attack, fled from the area. It later became clear that the explosion was from fireworks on Har Habayis. Later on Motzei Shabbos, police cleared the Kosel plaza for a period of time due to the chance of Arabs throwing rocks on the mispallelim. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

The unrest in Jerusalem in recent weeks spread to Har Habayis on Friday evening, with hundreds of Arabs throwing chairs, rocks, bottles, and fireworks at police officers after prayers, the last Friday prayers of the month of Ramadan. Riots also broke out at the same time at Sha’ar Shechem. Seventeen Israel Police officers were injured, with about half evacuated to the hospital, including one officer who is in moderate condition after being hit in the face with a rock. Police officers dispersed the rioters using stun grenades, rubber bullets, tear gas, and other methods. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, 205 Arabs were injured, including 88 who were hospitalized, mostly from injuries from rubber bullets.

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for It is an incredible story that the author is still trying to verify.  It does appear in an ArtScroll book and was also part of the words of Chizuk given by Rabbi Dovid Frischman to his talmidim. An innocent child is undergoing great suffering.  Insurance won’t cover, and the family is drowning.  Please help if you can. It involves the B’Roshi transportation company and a tragic accident that occurred in Elul of 1963.  Three Yeshiva students were tragically killed in an accident involving a truck,  Their names were Yitzchok Neustadt z”l, Binyomin Friedman z”l, and Mordechai Falk z”l.

Famed Israeli singer Motty Steinmetz and his manager Ruvi Banet were miraculously saved from a head-on collision this week on the way to a meeting in Lakewood, New Jersey. As they were driving in the pouring rain, a white jeep spun out of control, crossing two lanes and colliding head-on with the car in which Motty and Ruvi were traveling. In the video, Ruvi can be seen jumping out of the car to take a photo of the offending vehicle. Steinmetz, who was in the United States for a series of Lag B’Omer performances, told B’Chadrei Chareidim: “We were on the way to Lakewood for a meeting.

Eliyahu Kamar of Ohr Yehuda spent the entire night of Lag B’Omer searching for his son Assaf on Har Meron and calling hospitals. When morning came and he failed to locate his son at any hospital, he began to accept the inevitable and reluctantly drove to Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv, He grimly got in line when he received a call from home. His son had just arrived home. His son had been stuck on buses leaving Meron and he couldn’t call since the cellular networks in the area had collapsed due to the heavy load of people frantically calling their relatives. Kamar told reporters that he knows how lucky he is. “I share in the pain of the families who weren’t zohech to be where I am. My heart is with them.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Palestinians attacked Jews living in area of Shimon Hatzadik Kever in Jerusalem on Thursday night. A Jewish-owned vehicle was torched, and rocks and bottles thrown at the Jewish residents. Jewish residents claim Police refused to respond to their calls for help tonight, and have reportedly taken matters into their own hands. It appears that residents opened fire at Palestinians who attacked them, finally prompting police to respond. No one appears to have been struck by the gunfire. The cause for the violence is due to Jews recently purchasing homes from Palestinians in the area. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Early this morning, before getting up from shiva, Senator Chuck Schumer participated in a shiva visit to the home of Mr. & Mrs. Dovid and Tova Knoblowitz whose son Pinchos Menachem Z’L tragically lost his life in Meron last week. A conversation ensued regarding the incredible power of faith that was constantly emphasized over and over by Reb Dovid Koplowitz, the father of Pinchos Menachem, which prompted Senator Schumer to share his perspective on faith and the centrality to one’s ability to go on with life saying ” there is a greater wisdom a reason we cannot understand; I have a deep faith in Hashem–I pray all the time”.
