Over a thousand people attended the heartrending levaya of one of the youngest victims of the Meron disaster, 13-year-old Yedidya Moshe Chiyut, z’l, in Bnei Brak on Motzei Shabbos. The niftar’s father, Reb Avigdor Chiyut, and his 10-year-old brother, Shmuel Meir, were injured in the incident but were released from the hospital to attend the levaya, arriving there in an ambulance. “I’m telling you Yedidya, this doesn’t make any sense,” the heartbroken father said. “I’m not supposed to be at your levaya. A father isn’t present at his son’s levaya.” “Yedidya, you were obsessed with shiurim, with learning. I would turn your MP3 off at three in the morning, you would fall asleep to shiurim. You would sleep on top of the summaries you wrote.” “Yedidya, you were my Rebbe.
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