Trump Imposes “HARD HITTING” Sanctions Against Iran’s Supreme Leader [WATCH]President Donald Trump announced new sanctions against Iran Monday in part to retaliate after the downing of a US drone last week, with the punitive measures targeting Iran’s most senior leader, military officials and its top diplomat, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.

 Nine Arrested During Hafganos On Monday Following Arrest Of Chareidi Sisters [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]By 1:15PM on Monday, Jerusalem’s Kikar Shabbos was the venue of a stormy chareidi protest, following the arrest by military police of two chareidi sisters from Ramot. While such protests usually begin towards late afternoon and night, this one occurred ahead of the norm, resulting in a swift and stern police response.

Truck Carrying A Large Load Slams Into Ramot Pedestrian Bridge [VIDEO & PHOTOS]A truck carrying a large load, traveling on Golda Meir Blvd. in Jerusalem on Sunday afternoon, struck the pedestrian bridge near the Ramot Shopping Center as the load was too high to pass under the bridge.
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New Yorkers Rally At Rep. Max Rose’s Office With Messages Of ‘Ilhan Must Go’ And ‘Do The Right Thing’ [VIDEO]Several dozen protestors rallied outside of Rep. Max Rose’s constituent office in Brooklyn to demand that he do the right thing by calling for the removal of Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

 Egged Bus Floors Gas To Get Through Protesters In Kikar Shabbos; Miraculously No InjuriesProtesters blocked roads in Jerusalem as they protested the arrest of a Charedi girl. The protesters also claimed that the police’s treatment of women has been criminal because it forced these women to stay away from the IDF conscription office.

 Anti-Semite Ilhan Omar backs AOC On ‘Concentration Camps’ At The Border CommentRep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, is backing her freshman colleague, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., over the claim that there were “concentration camps” along the southern border, saying what the U.S. government is doing fits the “general definition.”

Pompeo Says US Ready Right Now To Resume Talks With North Korea [VIDEO]Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday the U.S. was prepared to resume talks with North Korea “at a moment’s notice” if the North signaled it wanted discussions about denuclearization.
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 Trump Says He’s Not Ready For 2020 Election Loss; Would Rather Face BidenPresident Donald Trump said Sunday that he’d prefer to run for re-election against Joe Biden, suggesting that the former vice president won’t be the “great candidate” Hillary Clinton was in 2016.
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 “Can One Truly Assess How Much Is Gained From Completing Daf Yomi?”HaRav Pam zt”l Leaves Us with Timeless Lesson
When the Daf Yomi cycle of three cycles ago concluded – in Elul 5757 (1997)- the scope of next year’s The Siyum worldwide celebrations was unthinkable.
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 Warns Iran Not To Mistake US ‘Prudence’ For Weakness [VIDEO]U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said Sunday that Iran should not “mistake U.S. prudence and discretion for weakness,” after the U.S. abruptly called off military strikes against Iran in response to the shooting down of an unmanned American surveillance drone.
