Israel Defense Forces ground troops on Wednesday continued the offensive against Hamas in the Gaza terrorist bastion of Rafah.
Soldiers killed an unknown number of gunmen and located tunnel shafts and other underground infrastructure on the 215th day of the war, the army announced.
“IDF forces led by the 162nd Division and under the intelligence guidance of the Shin Bet and the Military Intelligence Directorate continue targeted operations in eastern Rafah against Hamas terrorists and the group’s terrorist infrastructure,” the army said.
In addition, troops from the division’s Givati and 401st Armored brigades killed Palestinian terrorists in close-quarters combat. The brigades’ combat teams also worked to destroy terrorist infrastructure above and below ground.

The parents of IDF soldier Noa Marciano, H’yd, who was taken captive on October 7th and later murdered in Shifa Hospital, revealed on Wednesday that a doctor who worked at the hospital was the one who murdered their daughter. Hamas claimed that Marciano, 19, was killed in an IDF airstrike but the IDF found forensic […]

An Israeli Border Police officer wounded in Saturday night’s counterterror raid near the Samaria city of Tulkarem succumbed to his wounds on Wednesday.
Chief Inspector Yatev Lev Halevi, an officer from the Yamam National Counter-Terrorism Unit, was shot during a raid on a Hamas cell. Halevi was the son of Yoram Halevi, who once commanded the unit.
The Hamas cell was responsible for the terrorist murder of off-duty Israel Defense Forces reservist Elhanan Klein, 29, a father of three from Einav near the Beit Lid Junction last November.
The cell also carried out a bombing that wounded two Israelis last month.

U.S. and Philippine forces, backed by an Australian air force surveillance aircraft, unleashed a barrage of high-precision rockets, artillery fire and airstrikes Wednesday and sank a mock enemy ship as part of largescale war drills in and near the disputed South China Sea that have antagonized Beijing. Military officials and diplomats from several countries watched […]

IDF Cpl. Noa Marciano’s parents revealed on Wednesday that a doctor at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City murdered their daughter.
“They chose to murder her instead of taking care of her. It was a doctor who did it, in a hospital. She was injured by air force bombings and was taken to Shifa,” her parents.
Marciano, 19, was abducted on Oct. 7, the day of the Hamas attack, from the Nahal Oz Base, where she served as a lookout. Dozens of IDF soldiers were killed in the attack, most of them lookouts.
The IDF announced it had recovered Marciano’s body in November. Troops found the corpse in a building adjacent to Shifa and returned it to Israel for identification.

Hillel Neuer, executive director of U.N. Watch, is calling for an investigation of Francesca Albanese after a staff member for the U.N. special rapporteur for the Palestinian-controlled territories appeared to ask that an honorarium circumvent United Nations rules.
The watchdog’s head wrote on Tuesday that he would file paperwork on Wednesday with the U.N. Human Rights Office to learn about all payments that Albanese received via her assistant since she began her tenure on May 1, 2022 and information about an “institute” that Albanese’s assistant is using.

Jewish students and faculty at a Brooklyn public school were shocked at what they found at the school on Wednesday morning. Hateful Graffiti with the words “[expletive removed] the Jews” along with “Free Palestine” was spray painted on the property of Public School 197 located at 1599 East 22 Street in Brooklyn. If that wasn’t […]

Russian forces unleashed a nighttime barrage of more than 50 cruise missiles and explosive drones at Ukraine’s power grid Wednesday, targeting a wide area in what President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called a “massive” attack on the day the country celebrates the defeat of Nazism in World War II. The bombardment blasted targets in seven Ukrainian regions, […]

Following a concerning situation involving a Shul in Harford County, Maryland, Agudah Maryland’s advocacy efforts have resulted in a crucial legislative change to safeguard Shabbos observance in Maryland.
Last April, Agudah Maryland received a call from the rabbi of a shul in Harford County, reporting that local building officials had mandated the installation of motion sensors on all light fixtures as per regulations outlined in the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Such a requirement would obviously present severe Shabbos-observance issues, as the act of entering any room in the building would activate the lighting (via a Psik Reisha) and thus be a serious violation of Shabbos.

Ziv Kipper, H’yd, a Jewish businessman was murdered in Alexandria on Tuesday. A previously unknown terrorist organization claimed to have murdered Kipper in revenge for Israel’s military operation in Gaza and also claimed his business was a cover for his activities as a Mossad agent. The organization, called the Vanguard of Liberation Group for Martyr […]

Pesach – חג הישועותThe Festival of Redemption
As we approach Pesach in just a week, we recall so many miracles in Egypt and during the departure from slavery, and the beginning of Klal Yisroel’s journey to receive the Torah and to fully become and live as עם ה’. 
For so many centuries, departure from one place in the golus inevitably led to going to another golus and establishing new yeshivos and kollelim, all of which had positive influences in their new locales. 

It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Rav Michael Haber zt”l, rov of Congregation Tiferes Shaul.
Rav Haber was a noted rav and marbitz Torah in the Sefardic community in Brooklyn and Deal, impacting thousands of people is so many ways.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Molly Haber; his siblings, Harry Haber and Sylvia Shababo; his children, Rabbi Joey Haber, Rabbi Shaul Haber, Rabbi Yaakov Haber, Rabbi Moshe Haber, Rabbi David Haber, Mrs. Chani Shelby, Mrs. Simi Mizrahi, Mrs. Nechama Srour, and Mrs. Rivka Nakash.
The levayah is being held this morning at Magen David on 67th Street in Brooklyn.

The pharma giant AstraZeneca has requested that the European authorization for its COVID-19 vaccine be pulled, according to the EU medicines regulator. In an update on the European Medicines Agency’s website Wednesday, the regulator said that the approval for AstraZeneca’s Vaxzevria had been withdrawn “at the request of the marketing authorization holder.” AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine […]

Family getting up: Sunday (5/12/24)Morning R` Allen MagilHusband 347-556-4714
