HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein spoke publicly about the new government for the first time on Wednesday during his weekly sicha from his home. “The situation is known now about the new government – that they intend -and they said this openly – that they want to enact anti-religious laws that are not according to dinei Torah,” the Rosh Yeshiva said. “That’s the plan.” ” So what do we do? What’s the eitzah? It’s dependent on our zechuyos! When there’s zechuyos, there’s no disturbances. Someone who intends to purify is assisted [by Heaven].” “So it’s dependent now on what our zechuyos will be. How much we’ll do what we’re obligated to do – Torah, good deeds, all 613 mitzvos – bein adam l’chaveiro u’bein adam l’Makom. Everyone should be done with sheleimus, without negios, without the yetzer hara, contrary to the yetzer hara!” “These zechuyos will give us the zechuyos of no difficulties or disturbances and there will be siyata dishmaya – that’s the metzius.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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