Citizens with biometric passport can travel to US by filling out online form up to 72 hours before trip, will be able to remain in US for up to 90 days for business or pleasure

Israelis will be able to travel to US visa-free in 2 months after the country meets all requirements, including easing restrictions on Palestinian-Americans

Governor compares atmosphere in US to pre-war Europe in light of string of attacks, threats; mayor promises to step up punishments for perpetrators

Some Jewish participants jarred by emphasis on forgiving hate crime perpetrators at confab just before Days of Awe, whose major theme is personal and communal accountability

Sides to grant each other access to criminal records, but larger issue of restrictions on US citizens from Gaza, West Bank remains

'This is not the way it should have to be in America, but unfortunately, it is the way,' says Attorney General Merrick Garland after houses of worship step up protection efforts

50 House members pen letter to Biden cabinet members urging them to add Israel to Visa Waiver Program, a move the White House has already vowed to pursue

Ayelet Shaked says she's optimistic about chances after meeting with US homeland security secretary, insists Israel won't have to offer something in exchange

Pictures show riders swinging their long reins to threaten migrants and push them back toward Mexico, some say evoking 19th-century scenes of the violence of slavery

Gilad Erdan says he told US secretary of homeland security that high rate of visa rejections is due to Israelis recently released from IDF wanting to travel temporarily, not settle
