Military determines Dov Broder, killed during assault on Palestinian village on May 13, 1948, is 'anonymous' soldier buried at Petah Tikva cemetery

Jerusalemite Hagana fighter and ex-POW carved out career as journalist, translator, Hebrew teacher and encyclopedia editor, as well as advocating for son captured in Yom Kippur War

State Department says move 'exacerbates tensions, undercuts efforts to advance two-state solution after family loses home they've had since 1950s

Supreme Court has ruled the Old City property had Jewish ownership until seized by Jordanians in 1948 war; Ghaith-Sub Laban family say they've lived in it since the 1950s

Surprise attack on Egyptian convoy marching toward Tel Aviv is thought to have changed the course of War of Independence in 1948, despite not hitting its target

Military determines that Yitzhak Rubinstein and Binyamin Aryeh Eisenberg, who along with a third soldier were captured by Egyptian forces, are among those buried in mass grave

Leviathan acquires rights to planned adaptations of a play about British Jewish chemist Rosalind Franklin, a novel on King David and a book on US role in Israel's Independence War

Avi Nesher's ‘Image of Victory’ on Netflix is being billed as the most expensive Israeli movie ever

A documentary airs disputed testimonies of a 1948 massacre by former IDF soldiers now in their 90s, calling attention to a nondescript parking lot that may hold victims' remains

With a shocking documentary out this month, director Alon Schwarz says Israel can only move forward as a Jewish democratic state by being honest about the killing of Arab villagers
