Irmgard Furchner contests 2-year suspended sentence for complicity in the 'cruel and malicious murder' of more than 10,000 prisoners at Stutthof camp in occupied Poland

Irmgard Furchner, 97, is being tried at German juvenile court for her role in assisting the SS commander of Stutthof concentration camp while she was a teen

Prosecutor calls for Irmgard Furchner to get 2-year suspended sentence, arguing she must have been aware of mass murders taking place at Stutthof concentration camp

Indictment against Irmgard Furchner, 96, who absconded last month, says all in Stutthof heard victims suffer; says defendant's work gave her 'knowledge of all occurrences, events'

Irmgard Furchner, accused of complicity in murder of 10,000 people, absconded hearing last month, triggering a manhunt of several hours until she was caught

Irmgard Furchner allowed to return to her retirement home ahead of fresh hearing on charges of complicity in murder of more than 10,000 people at Stutthof camp

Numerous outlets publish picture of Dita Sperling, erroneously identifying her as Irmgard Furchner; in fact Sperling, 99, has testified in the case against ex-death camp secretary

Court orders Irmgard Furchner be held pending resumption of trial on October 19 after she left her retirement home near Hamburg and took cab to a subway station, instead of hearing

Police apprehend Irmgard Furchner hours after she was declared a fugitive by court; Nazi hunter: 'If she is healthy enough to flee, she is healthy enough to be incarcerated'

Arrest warrant issued after Irmgard Furchner absconds; defendant charged with complicity in the murders of more than 10,000 people at the Stutthof concentration camp in Poland