Ukrainian president says that 'no matter how many years have passed, humanity will remember the lives taken by Nazism'

After meeting with Ukrainian president, former minister and Soviet political prisoner says it's a 'disgrace' that 'not even a Knesset delegation' has visited Kyiv

Ukraine's president meets members of Babyn Yar memorial board in Kyiv, pledges governments support for expansion of museum

Film, presented at this year's Venice Film Festival, raises echoes of war crimes that Ukraine accuses Russia of committing on its soil; 'History repeats itself,' director says

Former Soviet president remembered as a humanitarian for allowing Jews to practice their religion freely and emigrate, which they did en masse -- much to his disappointment

Yelena Lembersky's 'Like a Drop of Ink in a Downpour' is a surprisingly even-handed tale of escape from the Iron Curtain with her grandfather's famous Babyn Yar massacre paintings

Ukrainian officials say as many as 9,000 civilians could be buried in Manhush near the besieged city, accuse Russia of trying to cover up their crimes

Last week, Ukrainian Academy Award winner Sergei Loznitsa was dismissed from his country's Film Academy after making a film on the Holocaust. His work is taking the US by storm

Embassy in Israel condemns attack near Drobytsky Yar, where 15,000 Jews were killed during World War II, accuses 'barbaric' Russians of repeating Nazi crimes

'70 years ago there was no one to save us and take care of us like now,' says Natalia, 82; some say they want to move to Israel after daring journey; one woman survived Babyn Yar
