Oxford University Press' new annotated version of the notoriously cryptic Oral Torah compendium comes steep even for an academic title, but may become more affordable in the future
Miriam Anzovin's 'Daf Reactions' cause as many disputes as their source material; some find them sacrilegious, others refreshing, but their creator says they're simply heartfelt
The nonprofit offers free access to Jewish texts, and debuts one of its most ambitious projects yet - an interactive version of a cryptic and oft-overlooked version of the Talmud
A grassroots movement to include female authorities in Torah classes is gaining steam, though women's historic disadvantage in the area means finding creative solutions
Selection committee cites Tel Aviv University academic's 'research excellence' in wide array of topics, her achievements in communicating subject to the public
In a crowd of black-clad Haredim at Wednesday's Siyum HaShas event in New Jersey, Jonathan Gray stands out dressed as eponymous children's book protagonist
Michelle Farber has taught her all-female class a page a day for the last 7 1/2 years as part of the Daf Yomi cycle, and on Jan. 5 will host first major women's completion ceremony
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