Pane had featured a large photo of a civil rights march; incident came during funeral of Georgia Rep. John Lewis; archive trying to raise funds to improve security for building

Jack Teich's kidnapping at gunpoint, huge payoff, and trial made national headlines, but even his family didn't know the gruesome details... until, aged 80, he wrote his memoir

Pointing to Europe, where Jews are involved in their own synagogue security, Evan Bernstein says US Jews shouldn't only rely on police or guards to keep their institutions safe

Police investigating 'heinous' incident as possible hate crime at small congregation in largely Jewish suburb of Côte St. Luc

Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt urges leaders to forcefully confront anti-Jewish attacks as new report finds 2019 brought record high

Anti-Defamation League says 2,107 anti-Semitic incidents recorded in 2019, including 61 physical assault cases, 1,127 instances of harassment and 919 acts of vandalism

With multiple attacks narrowly averted and white supremacist threads including one designating April 2 as 'Jew killing day,' security experts worry about swelling radicalization

No reason given for release of Richard Tobin, 19, accused of directing other members of anti-Semitic group to vandalize houses of worship in Michigan and Wisconsin

New ADL poll, conducted before height of coronavirus pandemic, finds more than 54% of American Jews say they've witnessed anti-Semitic comments

Nearly three quarters of incidents flagged by EJC involved vandalism, arson or assault: 'Not only have the numbers increased substantially, but the worst types of attacks grew'
