Nassima-Landau, founded by art collector Steeve Nassima and former TLV Museum of Art director Suzanne Landau, will showcase emerging international artists alongside locals

Sculptor made national headlines in May after surviving COVID-19, despite doctors telling family she had hours to live; over century earlier, she recovered from 1918 Spanish flu

Stuck at home and social distancing from friends, 20-year-old Ana Light illustrates the zeitgeist by portraying women wearing little more than masks as quarantine drags on

Singers, musicians, theater performers and others have made Jerusalem's streets their stage, as they vent their anger and frustration after months of unemployment and despondency

Annual Jerusalem cultural event moves online, but hopes to welcome some live audiences; program will also include this year's Jazz Festival

After reenacting Van Gogh's famous self-portrait with her husband, Katerina Brudnaya-Chelyadinova invited her Facebook friends to have a go; her group is now a global phenomenon

A May 28-30 outdoor exhibition, 'Exit Strategies,' brings artistic installations to walls, roofs, sidewalks and gardens

From giving stories and discarded gloves on the street to outfitting portraits on shekel bills with personal protective gear, Israelis aren't wasting a chance to make a statement

In departure from her signature works portraying Soviet immigrants in Israel, Ukrainian-born artist digs into the shtetl for inspiration for drawings created during COVID-19 crisis

While eclipsed by his spouse, Jewish photographer Stieglitz pioneered a movement that changed the US art scene forever. March 5 auction includes O'Keeffe painting valued at $1.8m.
