House worship slated for 2021opening, ahead of 80th anniversary of murder of more than 30,000 Jews by Nazis and their collaborators

After her father's death, German woman learns dad was member of Einsatzgruppen, whose 'task force' murdered some 1.5 million Jews

In Ukraine, Nazi war crimes expert uses 3-D simulation and aerial photography to locate Holocaust ravine beneath Kyiv city. Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center planned for 2026

'A black page was inscribed in the common past of the Ukrainian and Jewish people,' President Volodymyr Zelenskiy says of 1941 slaughter in Kyiv ravine by SS troops and locals

Project by Ukrainian Holocaust memorial center newly identifies hundreds killed by Nazis in one of war's worst massacres, giving some solace to surviving descendants

Ilya Khrzhanovsky, under investigation for abusing extras on his sets, wants to bring his hyper-realistic cinematic style to million dollar museum commemorating Babi Yar massacre

Ahead of this week's visit to Israel, comedian who became a corruption-battling president discusses everything from Babi Yar, the Holocaust and the Holodomor, to Putin and Trump

President says he always intended to come, even though he's not been invited to speak at main event, but was dealing with downed airliner crisis; may open Jerusalem business office

Ukrainian nationalists oppose plans to build a monument at the site where more than 30,000 Jews were murdered

Recent years have seen efforts to reframe Ukraine's involvement in Nazi atrocities; local Jewish groups say its historical memory policy is deeply problematic and revisionist
