As number of Palestinian students prepping for Israeli matriculation exam rises, opposition grows to the perceived loss of national identity in the city's schools

A week after taking office, Yoav Kisch cans bid to cancel exams in history, literature, civics, and Bible and replace them with class projects, multidisciplinary work

Data released a day after Netanyahu agrees to full funding for ultra-Orthodox schools that don't teach core curriculum, if he regains premiership

Last-minute agreements with teachers' unions avert large-scale strikes; 2,496,000 kids, 218,000 education workers head to class Thursday

Last-minute agreement between Treasury and Secondary School Teachers' Association will shorten school week to 5 days, revamp humanities exams

Students will be required to pass 4-5 exams instead of 12-14; reform expected to come into effect next year

Matanyahu Englman warns matriculation exams focusing on knowledge rather than modern skills, rolling of tech upgrade lacking

Education minister rolls out plan, says students will be allowed to graduate despite disruption caused by coronavirus pandemic

Academy for at-risk Israeli teens addresses 'price tag' attackers through educational lens, meeting boys where they live, even if it's in the West Bank's most extremist outposts

Nearly 1 in 4 Israelis live in development towns and southern cities. The left simply doesn't speak their language, say experts and locals -- one reason it keeps losing elections