Ramy Shaath, son of a top PLO official, was a prominent figure in 2011 Egypt uprising and director of local BDS chapter; was jailed on charges of aiding a 'terrorist organization'

Big Duck Studio now says decsion not to work with Shalom Hartman Institute based on a misunderstanding, is open to working with organizations with Israel ties

Quoting Aussie rocker Nick Cave, open letter states that 'cultural boycott of Israel is cowardly and shameful'; 30 acts withdraw over Israel sponsoring one of the shows

Responding to boycott calls by pro-Palestinian activists, performers accuse organizers of partnering with 'apartheid' state, failing to provide 'cultural safety' for Palestinians

Judiciary source says Egyptian prosecutors ordered release of Ramy Shaath, who was accused of aiding a terror organization

Mandelblit says in opinion to High Court that Oded Goldreich should receive award despite education minister's decision to deny him over alleged boycott support

Resolutions considered at 17 campuses during 2020-2021 school year, with 11 passing, compared to last time matter was tracked in 2015-2016 when 23 were proposed and 14 passed

A fight over a resolution to ban kosher foods that 'normalize Israeli apartheid' is dividing students at a University of Toronto satellite campus

Group, which supports boycotting Israel, says it still sees him as an advocate in Congress for Palestinian rights, despite visit and Iron Dome vote

After criticism of call not to source food from places that 'normalize Israeli apartheid,' University of Toronto Scarborough Campus union reaffirms right to freedom of expression
