Villas at luxury Cyprus Shore unprotected from fierce waves, which are swallowing hillside; rocks laid daily to defend slope, but cause increase in sand loss along beach

Nature and Parks Authority blames increases in huge schools of the gelatinous creatures in Mediterranean on human behavior, including pollution, climate change

National Planning and Building Council head says 'people need to get organized' ahead of plan's return to agenda, after recent decision to only recommend 1 new marina

Scientists say difficult to determine cause of death of young marine mammal as the carcass was badly decomposed

Sunrise Resorts, the top name in Egyptian luxury travel, is offering exclusive vacation deals to Times of Israel readers at stunning Sharm El Sheik locations.

Opponents warned that new marinas would limit access to already crowded beaches, cause environmental damage, and only benefit the few

Naval, planning experts tell confab that country needs laws, coordinating body, to ensure that sea, on which Israel depends for drinking water, fuel and trade, is properly managed

Photographers capture shared reality, as well as the differences, of those who live just 70 kilometers apart on the Mediterranean coast

Marine biologist says the tentacled creatures have been spotted several kilometers off coast, are expected to make landfall in 1-2 weeks

Authorities open additional 40 beaches to public, but warn more tar could still wash up
