About a dozen Jewish speakers will be among those addressing an estimated 75,000 people continuing the efforts that began six decades ago, and this time they include Jews of color

Lilach hopes its brightly colored DNR bracelets will bring attention to the Dying Patient Act, helping spread awareness of choices adult Israelis can make when faced with death

Freedom House survey of 210 countries and territories gives Israel 77 out of 100 points; says 'democratic trajectory' changing amid government plans to weaken judiciary

Simcha Rothman tells Knesset legal adviser that curbing judges takes priority, saying many rights don't have special majority clause needed for court intervention under proposal

Netanyahu and others in his coalition say they are committed to protecting gay rights, but the volatile political situation makes the future hard to predict

Impromptu bargaining session part of a larger campaign that pairs left-wing Jewish activist organizations T’ruah and Jews for Racial & Economic Justice with Laundry Workers Center

After fleeing to safety in Israel, director Anna Shishova completes 'The New Greatness Case,' portraying Russian use of cyber-entrapment against youth calling for more freedom

Jackson must replace ordinance with one that allows 'religious elementary and secondary schools, religious higher learning institutions, and religious residential schools'

From June 8, the HBO documentary 'The Janes' takes viewers back to the pre-Roe v. Wade era, and a little-known underground movement that kept women out of septic wards and morgue

Nomination for Justice Department's civil rights nixed after conservative criticism; Black dad and white, Jewish mom married when interracial marriage still illegal in many states
