Bennett urges MKs to stop airing dirty laundry and solve differences behind closed doors; Shaked reported to apologize for trash talk aimed at Lapid and Gantz

Health correspondent Nathan Jeffay on COVID shots for kids 5-11; senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur on coalition infighting; and Raoul Wootliff on a new stage in the Netanyahu trial

Still, Ra'am party issues list of legislative demands for Arab community as condition for backing budget

PM claims previous government led ‘2 years of stagnation’; opposition chief accuses current coalition of ‘abandoning people to their deaths’

Coalition's Ra'am claims cancellation of Umm al Fahm event due to memorial for violence during of 2nd intifada; PM's spokesman, Ra'am chair himself deny claim after Likud criticism

David Horovitz and Haviv Rettig-Gur discuss the 2021 budget, the COVID-19 school year and Foreign Minister Lapid's statements about the US and Afghanistan

Intelligence Minister Elazar Stern appears to be the leading candidate to head the world’s largest Jewish nonprofit organization. But challenger Danny Danon may have a chance

Yesh Atid MK will be supported as candidate by his party leader Lapid and PM-designate Bennett

Idit Silman tells fellow party lawmakers that protesters are after her after she said she'd vote in favor of the new government; said unable to send kids to school, youth movements

Agreements between 8 parties represent a tapestry of policy arrangements aimed at pleasing the diverse and sometimes conflicting ideologies within the would-be-government
