After firing ministers Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked, PM will hold off on appointing their successors, says he wants to consult with his Likud party and other political allies

Netanyahu proposes advancing enlistment bill with 'mutual consent'; Liberman snubs bid and ultra-Orthodox respond angrily, as Israel appears poised to go to elections

With clock ticking for Netanyahu to build a coalition, compromise seems off the table, as Knesset debates dissolution bill to call new elections

Compromise seems off the table with Knesset session on dissolution bill set to begin; Likud minister says Liberman no longer part of the right

As Netanyahu struggles to make progress, president rebuffs pleas to task another lawmaker with forming a government, notes Knesset has the right to dissolve, call fresh elections

Channel 13 survey also finds most would blame Netanyahu if failure of coalition talks leads to new election

Motion passes 64 to 44, as lawmakers move one step close to calling new elections mere weeks after previous vote

Blue and White party leaders say that without current PM and his legal woes, unity government with Likud could be formed 'tomorrow'

PM says he is ‘doing everything possible’ to solve coalition deadlock, accuses Yisrael Beytenu chief of ignoring ‘excellent solutions’

There is 'a lot more to do' in strengthening countries' ties, US president tweets, amid deadlock threatening to send Israel to fresh elections
