Clearing path to new government, judges find no legal justification to prevent PM from leading coalition; say accord ‘raises serious difficulties’ but intervention inappropriate

MKs to consider some 1,000 objections to bills setting out premiership rotation and other provisions ahead of expected final vote Thursday to pave way for power-sharing government

Coalition agreement includes 32 ministers for emergency government, swelling to 36 at end of coronavirus crisis; foreign and energy portfolios to rotate

PM says a 'final push' to establish unity government with Blue and White leader must be made on behalf of the country

PM, Yisrael Beytenu leader say they discussed unity government, will meet again; Gantz has until Wednesday to form government

With Gantz facing a Wednesday deadline to form government, parties say they've reached agreements on religion and state issues

With Gantz facing a Wednesday deadline to form coalition, Netanyahu to speak at 'emergency' rally against Arab-backed minority government; Liberman says his decision will come soon

Yisrael Beytenu tables legislation in apparent bid to allow Likud MKs to break away from Netanyahu -- though its odds of success are exceedingly slim

After talks with Yisrael Beytenu leader, Gantz says he's open to 'any option' but indicates he still won't serve under a PM facing indictment

Likud says premier is still aiming for a unity government, though party's Knesset faction chair claimed PM would support a vote for the top spot only
