Yisrael Beytenu leader says reports his party is holding consultations ahead of a major political decision are 'nonsense'

Blue and White chair's sit-down with Joint List leadership opens the door to possibility Arab-majority parties will back or join the government

Ayman Odeh says 'all options are on the table' if it means bringing an end to rule of Netanyahu and 'extreme right'

Leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party claims Blue and White chairman is interested in President Rivlin's unity compromise, but his No. 2 Yair Lapid is 'torpedoing' plan

Leading parties both at 32 seats; MK Avigdor Liberman, with 9 seats, repeats pledge that he will only join a broad unity government

A dozen voters say PM's failed bid to place cameras in polling booths didn't deter them, but worry not enough others showing up to cast ballots

Transportation Minister Bezalel Smotrich predicts legislation giving Knesset power to revoke court decisions will be 'at the heart' of coalition talks after elections

Judicial officials say Netanyahu's plan to stay on as acting minister for at least a week breeds conflict of interest due to looming corruption charges

As pre-indictment hearing looms, sources in office overseeing investigations say Netanyahu's firing of Shaked produced a conflict of interest

67-45 vote in favor of Netanyahu's pick viewed as loss for parties in what would have been the opposition
