Responding to Blue and White chief comparing himself to Rabin, Merav Michaeli says late PM 'wouldn't have sat with Netanyahu under 3 indictments'

Blue and White leader says he fears Netanyahu will fire him, seek broad changes to democratic system if he fails to enter Knesset; Mandelblit: Matter is currently 'theoretical'

AG presses Netanyahu and Gantz to advance 2020-2021 budget; Finance Ministry to present 2021 proposal to PM, as Blue and White mulls dissolving ailing coalition

Most Likud lawmakers skip vote on Yamina proposal for committee to explore allegations that cops papered over alleged conflict of interest to protect Netanyahu probes

Legislation proposed by MK Hauser would include settlement territory in law that requires either Knesset super-majority or public vote on dismantling settlements or ceding land

By not participating in the vote lawmakers from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's party will avoid clashing with coalition partners Blue and White who oppose legislation

After urging Likud and Blue and White to compromise in standoff over budget, UTJ lawmaker says party will oppose any move that would trigger 4th Knesset vote in under 2 years

Shas leader urges Likud, Blue and White to compromise in standoff over budget that could see Israel headed to fourth round of elections in less than two years

Ofir Akunis says Blue and White leader will be to blame if country is forced into a fourth election due to budget impasse

Parlay between PM and his alternate comes after Likud minister says attorney general 'allegedly a criminal,' drawing sharp rebuke from Blue and White's justice minister
