Church records tell of a Jewish woman's 1688 confession to admiring Queen Esther, who also hid her Jewish identity. Her community prepared special foods for 'St. Esther's Feast'

Granddaughter of late army captain Arthur Carlos de Barros Basto says he was denied posthumous honor because he can't make request in person

Certificate of Sephardic Ancestry validates identity, while an online ancestral database of 45,000 Sephardic family names makes searching for roots easier

For 65 years, local Jews have had to travel to Santa Fe for regular services. Now, with a crowdfunding effort until the end of September, they hope to repurchase Temple Montefiore

Told by her mother that the family were secret Jews, Angelina Muñiz-Huberman often writes about hidden identity, Iberian Jewry, and Jewish mysticism

National Jewish Book Award winner Marjorie Sandor discusses scouring an ancient history that Spanish monarchs worked hard to erase for her novel 'The Secret Music at Tordesillas'

The true story of Gracia Nasi, whose courage and charity helped countless hidden Jews like herself during the Inquisition, is retold in 'The Wandering Jewess'

Dia de las Velitas dates back to 1854, when Pope Pius set the immaculate conception as Catholic dogma, but some scholars attribute aspects of the holiday to crypto-Jews

Traced back to 16th-century crypto-Jews fleeing the Portuguese Inquisition, Britain's favorite food has even been described by Thomas Jefferson as 'fish in the Jewish fashion'

New cookbook features unique kosher dishes unwittingly prepared by generations of a Catholic Cuban-Spanish family with hidden Sephardic Jewish roots