Premiering August 10 with a cast led by Matthew Broderick, the six-part series zeroes in on the death and destruction wrought by OxyContin on a community in western Virginia
Health reporter Renee Ghert-Zand discusses addiction, and Sheba's collaboration with Fauci, as religion correspondent Canaan Lidor looks at JFNA in Israel and interfaith Haifa
New report traces spike in use of fentanyl and similar drugs; experts attribute abuse and addiction to overprescription, lack of understanding, and health system problems
Two-day online event includes Narcan training, discussions on recovery, role of Judaism in treatment, as tens of millions of Americans grapple with drugs and overdose deaths soar
US correspondent Jacob Magid on Jared Kushner's new book and Israel's move against the PA's 'pay-for-slay'; reporter Luke Tress on the scourge of opioid overdoses across the US
American Jews have not been spared the devastating fallout of opioid abuse, which claimed 107,000 US lives in 2021, though some still struggle with stigmas while seeking help
Rabbi Michael Perice struggled with opening up to synagogue members about his past but thought it best to fight stigmas. Now he's bowled over by the outpouring of love and support
David Schwartz says he has shown that the general public can become emergency responders, guided by an app; thinks overdose treatment should become as accessible as defibrillators
Jewish actor, famous for playing the character of Lucius Malfoy in film series, says he began 'decades' of drug abuse from when he was still a teenager
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