Yana Bloom is accused of driving under the influence of alcohol, causing death of Maayan Domanovich and injuring his parents and siblings

Yana Bloom is suspected of driving under the influence, causing death of Maayan Domanovich and injuring his parents and siblings

Police say blood sample taken after Wednesday's head-on collision found the woman had alcohol and marijuana traces in her system

Eran Azoulay, 46, ordered to pay compensation to family of Barak Houry, killed in 2021; defense lawyer raps tradition of holy day biking, says child shouldn't have been on highway

Rani al-Kamlat accused of murder with depraved indifference for killing of Amichai Carmel in June when he plowed into a sobriety checkpoint in Rishon Lezion

68-year-old had stopped on Route 1's shoulder before high-speed collision that resulted in his death and moderate injury of a woman; 30-year-old driver lightly hurt

Eran Azoulay suspected of also taking drugs before getting behind the wheel; maintains Barak Houry came out of nowhere, but witnesses say he was recklessly speeding

Justices say 12-year sentence plus damages imposed on Eli Bar Zakai were appropriate for death of 13-year-old Eylon Shalev-Amsalem

Eli Bar Zakai has license revoked for 20 years, also ordered to pay NIS 100,000 to family of 13-year-old Eylon Shalev-Amsalem, killed in 2018 road accident

Julio de la Guardia had 3 times the alcohol limit in his blood after he hit musician Chaim Tukachinsky last year; defendant also ordered to pay NIS 150,000 in compensation
