Educators from around the world voice 'great concern' over government's ostensible effort to dismiss Dani Dayan and replace him with a political appointment

Holocaust expert calls Ingrida Šimonytė's speech at AJC confab 'pathetic' for ignoring country's role murdering Jews; Vilnius urges Israel to help Ukraine fend off Iranian drones

In the final days of 1941, Romanian authorities massacred 40,000 Jews in a chapter of the genocide in which 420,000 Jews were killed in 'broad daylight' with collaborators' help

Case against Herbert Waller, 99, has previously been dropped because he was at Ukrainian killing site as medic; lawyer isn’t buying it: 'Why do you need paramedics in a massacre?'

Germany alleges he worked at Sachsenhausen camp in 1942-1945 as enlisted member of Nazi Party's paramilitary wing; despite advanced age, deemed fit to stand trial

US ambassador issues rare rebuke of Valdas Rakutis, who chairs parliament's commission on historical memory

In an online ToI interview, Zuroff talks about joining an acclaimed Lithuanian author to unearth and share a part of history many locals would prefer remain buried

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Efraim Zuroff and Ruta Vanagaite chronicle a partnership and budding friendship as they seek to convince her countrymen to face a genocide perpetrated in part by their forebears

Bruno Dey given 2-year suspended sentence for his actions at Stutthof camp over 75 years ago
