None of the killings last year were linked to domestic Islamist terrorism, a first since 2012, watchdog reports; Jersey City anti-Semitic attack defies 'left-right classification'

Pilot program begun in El Paso, Texas, gives students charity boxes to fill, allowing them to learn empathy by pausing each day to consider others

10,000 messages of support, hundreds of floral arrangements pour in after Antonio Basco asks funeral home to publicly post memorial arrangements for his late wife Margie Reckard

Arrest warrant affidavit details how Patrick Crusius, 21, surrendered after attack, telling officers 'I'm the shooter'; later waived his right to silence and confessed

President meets with hospital staff and first responders and spends time with wounded survivors and their families after deadly shootings

There are some 5,000 members of the Jewish community, many with Latino family members and close ties across the the city

Leaving White House, US president pushes back against accusations that his rhetoric fuels violence, says critics 'looking for political gain'

As US president plans visits to Texas and Ohio after weekend murder rampages, Dayton's mayor says she plans to tell him 'how unhelpful he's being'

While El Paso shooter wrote the attack was a 'response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas,' friend of Dayton assailant says the rampage appeared motivated by hatred of everybody

Fredrick Brennan says he sometimes regrets setting up unmoderated message board in 2013 that is now home to extremists, misogynists, conspiracy theorists
