Separately, security forces remove Otzma Yehudit MK who set up 'parliamentary office' in evacuated illegal outpost of Evyatar

Legal affairs reporter Jeremy Sharon updates us on Evyatar outpost and judicial reform as environmental reporter Sue Surkes looks at Jordan River rehabilitation

Hundreds spend night at hilltop location; National Security Minister Ben Gvir asks Netanyahu to allow them to stay as a response to deadly shooting of two brothers by Palestinian

Hundreds gather on vacated hilltop after Huwara shooting that left Israeli brothers dead, claiming government dragging feet on promise to allow them back after 2021 removal

Thousands plan to spend Seder night in Homesh and Evyatar this Passover and then stay on, taking advantage of the hardline government's policy reversal they see as a watershed

Defense minister says by law, settlers must leave illegal West Bank outpost; issue is point of contention in coalition, but MK says all its members understand Gantz won't defy law

Idit Silman and right-wing backers have been pushing to populate Evyatar quickly; defense minister also notifies lawmaker of plans to raze yeshiva at Homesh outpost

Hundreds take part in riot outside Evyatar, hurling stones and burning tires; 22 other Palestinians reportedly hurt, mostly from tear gas inhalation, as army remains on high alert

Right-wing demonstrator detained for trying to snatch banner from protester near Evyatar, which is designated a closed military zone

Police bolster forces in Sheikh Jarrah, capital's Old City, Damascus Gate after week of clashes; IDF said readying to prevent activists from protesting at illegal outpost
