Evyatar expected to remain point of friction with Palestinians for IDF, which will maintain permanent presence on northern West Bank hilltop as state determines status of land

Red Crescent says 61 Palestinians hurt, including six hit by rubber-tipped bullets; under agreement with government, settlers will leave site by 4.00 pm Friday

Intelligence reportedly indicates Shomron Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan could be targeted by extremist settlers for backing compromise at Evyatar site

Under agreement, military will review status of West Bank land and if found to belong to state, a yeshiva and dorms will be established; army to set up base there in meantime

Asked to comment on wildcat West Bank community that gov't has agreed to leave intact for now, State Dept. says it's critical to refrain from steps that harm two-state solution

Residents accept compromise that will push back opening of religious school by several months, but limit time Defense Ministry can spend surveying land

Evyatar residents accept deal with government to vacate the site in favor of a yeshiva; authorities to examine whether settlement can be legalized

Plan would supposedly see residents leave illegal West Bank community, with army post or educational institute set up instead; community could later be made legal

Opposition MKs visit illegal settlement site set to be demolished within days, call on government to intervene and prevent evacuation order

Defense Ministry panel okays 31 plans, including for mall, schools, synagogues; Joint List head: 'The right continues to sabotage the prospects for peace and deepen the occupation'
