Far-right MK adds he'd like to banish lawmakers he deems disloyal to state, while simultaneously saying he supports freedom of speech

Giorgia Meloni, whose party currently leads in opinion polls, insists that Italian conservatives have abandoned Mussolini's ideology to history

Tensions between Smotrich's and Ben Gvir's respective factions have grown in recent weeks, as Otzma's growing popularity has inflated its demands for a unity deal

Tim Gionet, who streamed live video from assault on Congress, faces a maximum sentence of six months imprisonment

Prosecutors say case of Franco Albrecht, 33, is first time in country's post-war history in which serviceman found guilty of attempting terrorist attack

Despite not being active in the country, Wellington cites group's role in Jan. 6 insurrection, as country has become more attuned to threats following Christchurch massacre

Marine Le Pen's National Rally overtakes traditional Republicans to become the largest right-wing party in parliament major setback to French leader; Hard left also makes major gains

Joerg Meuthen was 3rd leader to leave the party, warning of its increasingly radical ideology; delegates approve extreme-right proposal that will allow a single leader in future

Over 800 are accused of crimes related to Jan. 6, 2021 rioting, with charges ranging from low-level misdemeanors to felony seditious conspiracy, which carries up to 20 years

Large unit of police arrests four men after finding stash of 18 legal guns, 23 illegal weapons, 167 magazines, materials for making explosives
