Survey embraced as justification by opponents of Law of Return's 'grandchild clause'; critics allege bigotry

Proposal by Netanyahu's religious allies to limit immigration to those with a Jewish parent and converts unlikely to go ahead, though struggle over who is a Jew just heating up

Karina Lipsman in Virginia, Yuri Dashevsky in Brooklyn and Angela Grabovsky in Indianapolis are all House hopefuls and highlight the different politics of former Soviet Jews

Citing 'anti-Communist' content, authorities won't let locals print 'The Queen of Cleveland,' Shula Kazen's story of surviving the Iron Curtain, even though it would be sold abroad

In the 1997 ad, the last leader of the USSR eats at one of the chain's outlets in Moscow and is spotted by other diners, who argue about his legacy

Founder of Islamic Republic appealed to Soviet leader to 'seriously study' the religion in order to 'resolve the fundamental problems of humanity'

Leaders across West remember Soviet Union's last head as pioneer who ended the Cold War; Putin offers 'condolences' but limited praise

A house of worship for Jews, Christians and Muslims seeks unity in an increasingly divided Georgia. Its founder, Bishop Malkhaz Songulashvili, says it's so crazy it just might work

His company dismantled and friends imprisoned, Leonid Nevzlin has lived in Israel for 20 years. He hasn't ceased criticizing the Kremlin - and sees some parallels in his new home

Yelena Lembersky's 'Like a Drop of Ink in a Downpour' is a surprisingly even-handed tale of escape from the Iron Curtain with her grandfather's famous Babyn Yar massacre paintings
