The former French president plans on appealing the ruling that found him guilty of founding a 'corruption pact' with his lawyer and a judge

Salah Abdeslam, the chief suspect in the case, faces up to life in prison without parole, the toughest sentence possible under France's justice system

Eric Zemmour, a Jewish TV pundit who is expected to run for president, already has two prior hate speech convictions

13 people are on trial in Paris for harassing the girl, known as Mila, forcing her to leave school and be placed under police protection

Early 20th century paintings by Andre Derain were taken as spoils in WWII after their owner, Rene Gimpel, was denounced by a rival dealer for joining the resistance

It took a long time for Corinne Rey, 38, forced at gunpoint to open the office door by killers Cherif and Said Kouachi, to understand 'that I am not the guilty one'

Accused accomplices in deadly shootings at Charlie Hebdo magazine and kosher supermarket claim they thought they were abetting an ordinary crime

Satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo says publishing the cartoon that offended Muslims is necessary, as accomplices in terror attack and subsequent attack on Jewish food shop go on trial

Rifaat Assad, who was convicted of money laundering and misappropriating Syrian public funds, handed 4-year prison sentence by French court

Hessa bint Salman, daughter of Saudi king, became enraged when she saw plumber at royal residence taking her picture, ordered bodyguard to assault him