Driver wounded by window glass shattered by gunshots; troops launch manhunt for suspects, closing off entrances to Hawara and several other neighboring, northern West Bank villages

Incident takes place on Hawara road which lies in area under PA administrative control; army says it arrived to scene after confrontation broke out, worked to separate sides

Settlers parade through Hawara, stoning cars and storefronts, in convoy to celebrate release of Israeli imprisoned for attacking Palestinians

Reports say device exploded in assailant's hand, killing him; incident comes day after man shot dead during arrest for throwing Molotov cocktails

Military says suspect taken for questioning after soldiers fire shots in the air during apparent attack at Hawara

Stones and paint thrown at property and vehicles in Hawara, south of Nablus; residents, rights group says Israeli settlers to blame; police open investigation

As Jerusalem and West Bank boil with protests over police's alleged role in death of Ahuvia Sandak, Yesh Din rights group reports increase in assaults

No soldiers hurt; attempted attack comes amid uptick in West Bank violence in recent weeks

Military says suspect drove up to Hawara checkpoint and opened fire; Palestinians identify him as a captain in the Preventative Security Forces, say he was executed

Security cameras in northern West Bank village catch hooded suspect slashing tires of 1 of 12 damaged cars damaged; 'The nation of Israel lives' spray-painted on wall of home
