Man tried to open fire on Israeli motorists near Nablus, but gun apparently jammed; Wednesday attack comes amid tension over Palestinian decision to end security cooperation

Suspect pointed a gun at a car carrying Israelis near town of Hawara and tried to open fire but weapon apparently jammed, fled after driver fired shots in air

Army sequesters far-right activists at makeshift site in West Bank after they were exposed to virus, trashed bus taking them to isolation hostel

IDF troops arrive at scene of clash in central West Bank and disperse Palestinians with stun grenades and tear gas, leading to hospitalization of two villagers

Number of monthly attacks climbs from 9 to 16, despite restrictions that only permit Israelis to leave their homes to carry out essential activities

No officers injured, but vehicle damaged in incident, drawing swift condemnation from Israeli leaders

Clashes in last 48 hours see sides hurling rocks, carrying out brutal assaults, though no arrests made; police investigating

Security cameras catch a handful of masked, hooded individuals entering Hawara, where settlers and Palestinians clashed last week

Israelis say farmers went beyond area allotted to them by IDF; PA official claims villagers were tending to trees that they own; injuries reported on both sides

Police probing incidents in northern West Bank village of Hawara where Palestinian tomb graffitied with a Star of David, Israeli cars repeatedly targeted
