Educators from around the world voice 'great concern' over government's ostensible effort to dismiss Dani Dayan and replace him with a political appointment

Ellen Germain notes importance of 'maintaining the independence of such institutions,' as Netanyahu said seeking to appoint political ally as chairperson of museum

Turning Point USA Student Action Summit, attended by Trump, says it has no connection with group handing out antisemitic leaflets; Holocaust museum calls incident 'indefensible'

New permanent exhibit at the Museum of Jewish Heritage: 'The Holocaust: What Hate Can Do' emphasizes individual human stories from before, during and after World War II

America's Second Gentleman explores the new Dimensions in Testimony project at USC's Shoah Foundation, which provides lifelike interactive accounts as the WWII generation wanes

Since the 1980s, the center has been a local fixture despite its small size, which will now increase manifold with a new 43,000-square-foot facility in the city's cultural corridor

Experts say China's state-run outlets draw attention to the 20,000 Jews who took refuge in Shanghai during WWII to deflect criticism of the regime's treatment of minority Uighurs

Letters from Frank sisters are the cornerstone of Danville Station, a unique off-the-beaten-path museum in a town of 1,000 and no Jewish community

Opening Jan. 27 at the Illinois Holocaust Museum in Chicago, 'The Journey Back' puts participants in the narrators' shoes as they hear their tales of suffering and survival

Sensing impending disaster, the Wiener Library's founder gathered evidence of German antisemitism from the 1920s, making an argument against the Nazis before Hitler came to power
