Andres Roemer was hailed in Israel after his dismissal as Mexico's UNESCO ambassador for refusing to vote in favor of a 2016 resolution against the Jewish state

Citizen Lab watchdog group says country most prolific user of tool; publishes new insights into NSO Group's updated targeting of iPhones

Israeli officials quoted saying bid to repatriate Tomas Zeron, implicated in compromised investigation of 2014 disappearance of 43 students, 'all but dead'

NYT says head of truth commission met with wanted former senior official to offer 'president's support' in exchange for information on 2014 disappearance of 43 students

Demonstrators demand Israel extradite Tomas Zeron, wanted for role in disappearance of 43 students in 2014; Jerusalem calls on Mexico to 'fulfill its international obligations'

Mexican president sends letter to PM requesting cooperation in case of former official Tomas Zeron, wanted in connection with disappearance of 43 students in 2014

Mexican president says he hopes Israel 'acts with respect for human rights' in case of former official Tomas Zeron, wanted in connection with disappearance of 43 students in 2014

Senior Israeli official says that slow-walking of request to hand over former official Tomas Zeron, wanted in connection with abduction, torture, is part of 'tit-for-tat diplomacy'

Former head of the country's Criminal Investigation Agency Tomas Zeron is accused of using torture, enforced disappearance and embezzling some $55 million of public funds

Tomas Zeron, who was head of the Criminal Investigation Agency, is wanted over allegations of serious irregularities in investigation into 2014 human rights atrocity
