Foreign minister tells Elaph normalization will benefit Biden, Saudis; warns Hezbollah that Israeli society will unite against threats

Defense officials say ambush intercepted terror cell that headed from refugee camp in northern West Bank toward nearby settlement

Defendants accused of providing information about terror group members in return for cash, other benefits

Soheila Mohammadi, a mother who has served 3 years out of a 5-year sentence, reportedly launches hunger strike in protest of not being permitted furlough

Media mogul aims to calm concerns after top lieutenant detained in Portugal on suspicion of embezzlement

Biden administration reportedly leaning on Israel to strengthen Palestinian Authority, but official reportedly says steps unlikely to pass in current atmosphere

Mohammad Jafar Montazeri is under US and UK punitive measures for prosecution of Mahsa Amini protesters last year

Ronen Bar said to tell PM settler attacks fueling Palestinian terrorism; lawmakers accuse defense officials of being unable to 'distinguish between enemy and your people'

Military correspondent Emanuel Fabian on Friday's West Bank clashes and a tour of communities bordering Lebanon; legal reporter Jeremy Sharon on Thursday's High Court hearings

When education was segregated and authorities barely funded Black students, Julius Rosenwald gave millions to form Rosenwald Schools; new movement eyes national park in his memory
