After the speaker of the House tells the president that: 'All roads with you lead to Putin,' Trump calls her 'a third-rate politician,' before Democrats storm out of meeting

US Secretary of State will arrive in Israel on Friday after talks in Ankara aimed at achieving ceasefire in Turkish invasion of northern Syria; talks to also focus on Iran

Tehran says measure aimed at pressuring European powers to find way around crippling US sanctions imposed after Trump pulled out of nuke deal

Moscow has moved quickly to entrench its leadership role and fill void after Trump ordered pullout of American forces that had been protecting Kurdish-controlled areas

Pelosi says president 'shaken up' after House overwhelmingly votes 354-60 to condemn US troop withdrawal from Syria; Trump reportedly calls her a 'third-rate politician'

Letter sent 6 days ago, US president tells his counterpart 'don't be a tough guy' and again threatens to destroy the Turkish economy

Despite housing thousands of US troops, traditional American allies in the Mideast now re-calibrating how far to trust Trump in case frictions with Iran boil over

Uprooting people from their homes is 'inhumane' and a 'recipe for disaster,' US ambassador tells pro-settler outlet; Erekat urges 'immediate action' to save prospects for peace

Senior administration official pushes back against criticism that troop pullout will embolden adversaries, says no change in policy on Iran

Resolution passes 354-60 with bipartisan support, calls for White House to formulate plan to ensure 'enduring defeat' of Islamic State
