Concluding visit, Gabrielius Landsbergis also says a consensus is building to designate Iran's IRGC as a terror group amid it's coopertion with Russia in Ukraine
National security minister orders officers to prevent road blockages during Tel Aviv demonstrations, emphasizes that he is in charge of policy and not commanders in the field
Senior air force members responsible for strikes in Syria, Gaza, potentially Iran say Smotrich's incendiary rhetoric, judicial overhaul could expose them to ICC prosecution
Some US Jewish religious leaders address hardline Netanyahu coalition from the pulpit, while others are more reticent, as Jerusalem's new policies force a reckoning
Both militaries say Gen. Mark Milley arrived in town to discuss unspecified regional 'challenges' amid concerns over Iran's nuclear program, elevated West Bank tensions
Officials backtrack on the announcement, saying fragment was created by an expert demonstrating inscription techniques to students and accidentally left at archeological site
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