Judges rule mass tracking program can only be used as a 'complementary tool' starting March 14; deputy health minister slams ruling as 'crime against the health of Israelis'

President says 'red lines are crossed in the name of so-called governance'; Supreme Court chief justice decries 'violation of the independent, neutral status of courts'

Former Haredi school principal on her way back to Melbourne, where she faces 74 charges of child sex abuse

Israel now has 60 days to put former principal on a plane to face trial for 74 counts of abuse; her lawyers say they will not make a final appeal to stop it

Justice minister says he won't delay signing order releasing former school principal to Melbourne authorities to face charges of sexually abusing students

Former attorney general known for prosecuting Olmert says he will step down from bench for 'personal reasons,' thanks court for opportunity 'to defend democratic values'

Judge expected to rule in favor of sending former principal to Australia to face 74 charges of child sex abuse, but defense can still try to appeal

In possibly final ruling after 6 years of hearings, judge says ex-principal must face child sex abuse charges in Melbourne, pending expected appeal

Supreme Court to discuss case of IDF soldier and Prisons Service officer filmed beating Eritrean man Haftom Zarhum in aftermath of 2015 terror attack in Beersheba

Ruling clears way for Aryeh Greenes to be sent to US, where he faces charges for filing false statements in loan applications
