Educators from around the world voice 'great concern' over government's ostensible effort to dismiss Dani Dayan and replace him with a political appointment

Leading Polish researcher decries government report as 'political, not historical,' says its authors willfully ignored Polish involvement in atrocities

Jan Grabowski and Barbara Engelking were ordered in February to apologize for their research on Poles who collaborated with Nazis

Holocaust museum says decision ‘a real threat to academic and press freedom’ after researchers were censured for harming honor of man they said helped kill Jews in WWII

Court rules Barbara Engelking and Jan Grabowski disseminated false information and harmed the honor of a man they said helped kill Jews in WWII; his niece brought the suit

Government-funded group is backing private suit against 2 researchers over claim in their historical work that a local wartime hero was also complicit in murder of dozens of Jews

Jan Grabowski and Barbara Engelking were sued for revisiting post-WWII claim against Malinowo mayor Edward Malinowski