Contentious Judiciary Committee hearing begins formal impeachment proceedings; Republican-invited expert says Trump's deeds, while bad, do not constitute grounds for ouster

In a ruling that affirms the legality of the impeachment inquiry itself, judge orders department to turn over secret grand jury testimony by October 30

US president singles out Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler and 'the squad' in tweet railing against Democrats over impeachment push

'The growing anti-Semitism in our political dialogue is repugnant,' NY lawmaker says after fellow Democrats post caricature to social media by Carlos Latuff

Top Democratic leaders, and at least one leading Republican, speak out against Israeli move to block arrival of boycott-backing congresswomen

In hearing, Republicans and Democrats take divergent paths in questioning, with Trump's GOP allies trying to cast former special counsel as politically motivated

Jerry Nadler's judiciary body issues a dozen new summons in bid to examine Russian interference into 2016 election and other scandals

After receiving subpoenas, special counsel will testify about report he issued in April on possible Russian connections to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign

Robert Mueller says Justice Department constitutionally barred from charging president with a crime, up to Congress to decide what action should be taken

With Democrats suspecting president's son may have misled in past testimony, Intelligence Committee chair Burr, a Republican, issues subpoena in bid to finish meddling probe
