Dozens of intricately carved oil lamps were found outside a 2,000-year-old central Israel tomb, which is being developed as part of a massive 100-kilometer Judean Kings Trail

Spanish authorities say 17th-century Biblical oil work showing Jesus before crucifixion could be lost masterpiece by the Renaissance artist

In a new book, Prof. James McGrath wonders 'What Jesus Learned from Women' -- and the answers may surprise you

Mother horrified to discover her 7-year-old given slides that said Pontius Pilate bowed to the will of the Jewish masses who wanted Jesus to die

Olive grove where Jesus spent a night of agony, accepted his betrayal, and was arrested ahead of his crucifixion has until now had no physical link to Second Temple era

4th-century church, one of earliest in Israel, was built atop temple to Pan at spot in Banias where New Testament says Peter saw Jesus as Messiah, was told to spread his teachings

From tax evasion to hidey-holes, IAA excavation director Yardenna Alexandre discusses Jewish life in the small village where Jesus grew up

'You see Jesus portrayed in as many ways as there are languages, cultures and understandings,' says Justin Welby amid criticism of portrayals of Levantine Jesus as European

Jewish state has long welcomed Christians' political and financial support, but most Jews view any effort to convert them as deeply offensive

Communications minister calls to investigate 'oversight' that granted channel 7-year license, vows not to allow missionary work on air
