Borrell says Tehran's latest response to EU draft 'not constructive,' warns sides are moving away from potential compromise

Announcement comes after Tehran indicated that it was seeking stronger guarantees and was still pushing for the IAEA to drop its probe, which the US and UN have rejected

PM's office says conversation addressed 'shared commitment' to preventing a nuclear Iran; White House spokesman says sides 'closer now' to finalizing a deal

IAEA staff aim to protect Zaporizhzhia plant, Europe's biggest, as top EU official accuses Russia of 'gambling with the nuclear security' by not demilitarizing the area

Notion has divided EU nations, with some wholeheartedly agreeing with it while others resist

Foreign policy chief says 'most' countries involved in talks with Tehran have signed on to proposal, but US has yet to respond

State Department says Washington reviewing Iran's comments on EU's 'final' draft proposed, as top IRGC official warns Iran capable of striking Israel without nuclear weapons

Borrell says 'no substantial information' has been provided to justify move, which 'undermines civil society and its valuable work'

EU foreign policy chief says meeting on resurrecting pact could happen this week; IAEA vows not to drop demand for Iranian clarifications

Foreign policy chief says EU consulting with US, JCPOA members; Iranian state media says 'an agreement will be concluded if US reacts with realism and flexibility'
