Herzi Halevi tells international legal experts that IDF investigates 'every bullet' shot during border riots, hasn't found case of indiscriminate fire

Army closes investigation into killing of Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh, whose death drew international attention

Shin Bet says that 126 attacks recorded last month were less than half the number in March; figures don't include May's deadly fighting in Gaza where 4 Israelis were killed

Protests expected along Gaza border and in West Bank, amid still soaring tensions following this month's bloody two-day battle in the Strip

Khaled al-Batsh says his group can 'obligate' Israel to fulfill its side of a truce agreement brokered by Russia, Egypt and Qatar

Ahead of weekly clashes, UN envoy speaks with Hamas chief on implementing understandings with Israel to prevent renewed violence; 3 Palestinians said wounded in riots

Thousands gather at empty village of Khubbayza to commemorate Palestinians who were dispossessed during Israel’s War of Independence

Firefighters extinguish fire at nature reserve caused by arson balloons; damage caused to vegetation

Fresh arson attacks come amid threats by terror groups in the Strip to renew border violence if Israel does not deliver on ceasefire agreement

Military says it remains 'highly prepared and ready to act quickly,' after reassigning troops sent to the south during last month's increased violence
