Jewish Home would win 4 seats with extremists on board, but political deadlock would remain; 51% against Netanyahu immunity from indictment

Merger with far-right party, along with ensuring placement of female candidate among top five on slate, expected to be approved by internal body

Senior lawmaker, dozens of party officials say Rafi Peretz acted alone in agreement with far-right faction; demand central committee convene to vote on matter

Blue and White head says Netanyahu behind electoral pact between Jewish Home, Otzma Yehudit to secure immunity from graft charges; Meretz MK: 'Kahanism is on its way to Knesset'

Parties previously ran together with National Union in April election; Blue and White's Yair Lapid calls move 'a disgrace'

Jewish Home, National Union and Otzma Yehudit weigh possibility of primaries as rejuvenated defense minister kicks off bid without waiting for longtime partner Shaked

Bezalel Smotrich says Otzma Yehudit chief Itamar Ben Gvir should 'not show his face in public' after costing right-wing bloc 'tens of thousands' of votes

Party leaders predict end of Netanyahu's term as premier, say Likud leader helped spur vote by casting aspersions on Arab community

With surveys on all major networks determining Otzma Yehudit hadn't crossed electoral threshold, Itamar Ben Gvir blasts PM and Yamina party for having campaigned against his slate

Yisrael Aumann files complaint against Otzma Yehudit, says he doesn't disagree with party's views but won't vote for it because he doesn't believe it will make it into Knesset
